
VII.1.20 Pompeii. Shop with rear room.

Excavated 1853. (Strada Stabiana 65).


VII.1.20 Pompeii. December 2005. Entrance, looking west from Via Stabiana.
The steps to the upper floor, would have been against the north wall, on the right.

VII.1.20 Pompeii. December 2005. Entrance, looking west from Via Stabiana.

The steps to the upper floor, would have been against the north wall, on the right.


VII.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. West wall of shop, with window and doorway to rear room.
According to Fiorelli, a painting of Bacchus accompanied by his panther, was found in this room in the middle of two obscene paintings.
See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p.75)

“E poco innanzi con lo stesso sistema di escavazione orizzontale rinvenivasi a dodici palmi dal pavimento l’intero scheletro di un Ostiario con chiave di ferro nella sinistra mano, in cui aveva l’anello di bronzo ossidato, al quale quella chiave stava infilzata, giacente sul sinistro fianco in una stratificazione molto compatta prossima ad un angolo della bottega no.65.”
See Real Museo Borbonico, vol. 15, 1856, (p.12 of “Relazione degli Scavi di Pompei, da Marzo 1862 a dicembre 1855”).
(trans: And found a little further on with the same system of horizontal excavation, twelve palms (3.16 metres) from the floor, the entire skeleton of a man (Ostiario) with iron key in his left hand, in which he had an oxidized bronze ring, to which that key was attached, lying on the left side in a very compact stratification close to a corner of the shop at no.65.)

VII.1.20 Pompeii. May 2005. West wall of shop, with window and doorway to rear room.

According to Fiorelli, a painting of Bacchus accompanied by his panther, was found in this room in the middle of two obscene paintings.

See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p.75)


“E poco innanzi con lo stesso sistema di escavazione orizzontale rinvenivasi a dodici palmi dal pavimento l’intero scheletro di un Ostiario con chiave di ferro nella sinistra mano, in cui aveva l’anello di bronzo ossidato, al quale quella chiave stava infilzata, giacente sul sinistro fianco in una stratificazione molto compatta prossima ad un angolo della bottega no.65.”

See Real Museo Borbonico, vol. 15, 1856, (p.12 of “Relazione degli Scavi di Pompei, da Marzo 1862 a dicembre 1855”).

(trans: And found a little further on with the same system of horizontal excavation, twelve palms (3.16 metres) from the floor, the entire skeleton of a man (Ostiario) with iron key in his left hand, in which he had an oxidized bronze ring, to which that key was attached, lying on the left side in a very compact stratification close to a corner of the shop at no.65.)






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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 19-Jul-2023 18:14